Prenatal Supplement Regimen

I thought I’d share a quick post on my current prenatal supplementation if you’re interested!

Below is everything I take on the regular to help my baby girl grow big & strong & keep us both healthy. All of these can be taken by men & women (except for the prenatal–you might grow man-boobs gentlemen–hehe kidding) & ladies, you don’t need to be pregnant or breastfeeding! I always thought prenatals were STRICTLY for pregnant women & I had no business taking them. But really, they’re just a great multivitamin for any woman 18-menopause! (come menopause our bodies have a different set of needs in regards to vitamin supplementation)

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What they don’t tell you about being hydrated…

Attention! Muy importante! If you’re currently living in a house (which I assume most of you are), I suggest keeping tabs on your water bill.

No, not because you’re chugging gallons/day (hopefully filtered & not directly from the tap), but because you’re staying adequately hydrated & end up taking a trip to the pee shack every 20 mins. John & I rent a cute little beach cottage on the intercostal here in Florida & our landlady came knocking on our door the other day to disclose to us that her water bill has never been this high since she has been renting out the space (many years).  🙄

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It’s been a while…

Hello all my fit friends! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything! To be completely honest…I’ve lacked some inspiration lately. I don’t know about you, but I do so much reading, learning, reviewing & critiquing of various health, fitness & wellness articles that I become completely bogged down & don’t want to write anything! I feel like I read SO much of the same stuff, I think to myself…no one wants to read ANOTHER blurb on XYZ, or recipe that does not taste as good as claimed. Haha…you feel me?

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Quickie Workout

Sometimes I just want a quickie workout that can be done right in the comforts of my own home, I don’t even really need to change my clothes. Just get up off my rump, bust a move & get my sweat on. Carry on with my day, because lets be honest not every day do I want to base my entire being around my workout. Yes, I love having those days where I methodically plan not only the workouts but my warm-up/cool-down & cardio, then spend the next 3 hours throwing iron around in the gym.

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