Hi! I’m Jaime Cenname (pronounced: Jay-me Sen-uh-me)

I was born & raised in Portland, Oregon.
I moved to Honolulu at 18 years old and graduated from University of Hawaii with a BA in psychology & spent the next several years working & ‘living the dream’ on the islands.
That’s where I met my now husband, John, & since we have zig zagged our way across the US together—Seattle, Denver, Pittsburgh, Savannah & currently St Petersburg, FL.
I grew up playing some of the usual school sports, soccer, basketball, track & field. Running became a great escape post-college as I entered the ‘real world’. I completed several half marathons & 10k’s but the constant pounding on the pavement logging miles day after day was taking a toll on my body. Yoga became a sweet retreat. This helped to stretch & ease my body but also expanded my mind. I had never meditated before but the peace of sitting in silence cleared my brain & slowed me down a bit. This was a whole different world!
I began lifting weights about a year & a half before John & I were getting married, I wanted to ‘tone up’ but not get too bulky. Lifting heavier weight & noticing muscle tone & definition was empowering. I began to realize all the benefits from working out, not only physically but mentally & I knew this was something I wanted to share with the world.
I became a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine & furthered my education with the Fitness Nutrition Specialist certification.
I yearn to help people of all ages maintain a healthy balance between living out our lives & treating our bodies like the temples they are. We are not meant to be perfect but we can certainly strive to better ourselves each and every day.