I swear I haven’t forgotten about my little nook here on the interwebs! Fortunately, a lot of exciting things have happened since I last posted on here……6+ months ago?! I’m sorry!
Unfortunately, I’ve procrastinated on pouring it all out in written context. One day I will look back & wonder why I let the most exciting time in my life go by undocumented?! Shame on me.
First off, if you follow me on instagram you are well aware that we no longer live in Florida! Alleluia! No offense Floridians but it is HOT down there…& well, the beaches don’t compare to Hawaii. #sorrynotsorry John received a big promotion in February with his company that brought us all the way the up to Virginia! AND it’s a short 5 hour drive to his family in Pittsburgh! There have already been many o’ back & forth travels which is SO nice, considering his brother & sister both recently had babies!
On that note, you may also be aware that John & I are expecting our first baby!!!!! <insert all the happy/celebratory/flowery emojis> Our sweet little girl, Madeline Lani will grace us with her presence November 9th, 2018! Well, we’re hoping anyway. That’s my due date & also happens to be Johns birthday! So he is praying EXTRA hard she comes as anticipated!
So the past 6+ months have been filled with work & family trips, settling in to our new home & preparing for baby! The last one taking up a majority of my time, which I’m ok with.