Spaghetti Squash, bacon, spinach & goat cheese

Howdy friends! This recipe is SO easy & has a good amount of protein (&fats), the carbs are coming from vegetable sources making this a quick & healthier dinner option. You can even rotate or throw in some extra vegetables to boost the vitamin & mineral content.

My only advice is cooking the spaghetti squash in advance—that is the most time consuming part of the process. I cut mine in half lengthwise & lay it flat on a sprayed baking sheet at 400° for nearly an hour (depending on the size). I’ve seen people cut it the other way; into rings & scoop out the middle. Either way they are a pain in the booty to cut if you ask me–but definitely worth the effort for the added nutrition & a lower calorie meal.

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No, that’s not another hip new acronym the kids are using nowadays.

Your TFL is used to describe the small muscle in your hips; Tensor Fasciae Latae. It’s located in front of your hip joint & connects to the very long tendon known as the Iliotibial band, or IT band. Your TFL aids in flexion of your hips (i.e. crunches or running); abduction of the thigh & also helps to control & keep hips level while walking/standing & may even aid in stabilization of knee.

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New Year Countdown

There are 10 days until Christmas & 16 days until 2017. This is the time of year we all look forward to–family gatherings, good food and vacations, but somehow we always manage to find something to stress about. Worry about getting the right gifts for everyone, cooking the perfect meal, making sure our home is clean enough for great Aunt Gertrude that you see once every other year.

While it’s important to give your best at everything (including cleaning the house) & to provide the most for our friends & family it’s equally important to make time to nurture yourself & think about what you want moving forward.

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