Happy New Year!

Happy 2017! I love the start of a new year! There’s something about a clean slate, a crisp new planner begging for the pages to be filled. What do we want to achieve this year? Where do you want to travel? What old habits are you willing to let go?

As much as I love the start of a new year, I do believe that every day is a fresh start, a new opportunity to make changes in your life for the better. In fact, if you want to dig a little deeper, we have the choice on a moment to moment basis to shift our mindset. We can stay stuck in negativity, fear, doubt, uncertainty OR in an instant we can choose to lift ourselves out of the slump. We don’t need the calendar to tell us it’s time to hone in on our goals.

We are humans. We will have slip ups, not everyday is going to be perfect. In fact, there might be a couple days or weeks even where the choices we make take us further and further away from our goals. We need to learn to slow down & consciously recognize the choices we  make are derailing us from where we want to be.

Why do we do that? We have this big, audacious, shiny goal we envision, but  sabotage it by making choices that are not leading us to these goals. Often times we’re scared,  we have a devil sitting on our shoulder whispering to us, ‘who do you think you are to want that, you’ll never achieve your dreams’. Maybe you don’t really believe in your goal, you don’t believe you’re worthy of obtaining it. We can continue to listen to that voice or in an instant we can say STOP. Let go of all of those negative thoughts & begin making the choices to take us to our goal. If life is not making you happy, maybe you need to re-evaluate your goals.

Just remember that the journey to any goal is not linear. There will be highs & lows, the important part is to not get stuck in the lows. Just because you made poor choices all weekend, your diet isn’t ruined. The sooner you get back on track, the closer you are to seeing results. Learn from the hiccup, pick yourself up & forge on to creating the life you want.

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